Aussie Open Pairs 2025

Entry Fee $40 per team

Tuesday, June 17, 2025
6:00 pm
9:30 pm

Our Aussie Pairs (2 players per team) tournaments have a fixed format to ensure fair play among our most avid players. These tournaments are limited to 16 teams.

Register at club email or on list posted in club.
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A very welcoming club with great members/players. Love the tournament play at the Preston Club.
~ Peggy Wappler - bowler from Elmira LBC

Tournament Results

Event Details

Entry Fee $40 per team

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  1. Frank Hibbs
  2. Larry Chaput
  3. Barb Young














Special Events
Preston Lawn Bowling Club

Date & Time

Tuesday, June 17, 2025
6:00 pm
9:30 pm

    Order of Bowls

    Odd Ends

    Even Ends

    Event Contributors


    The Preston Bowls Club fosters a friendly and lively competitive atmosphere among our most avid players. To ensure a fun and challenging level of competition, we partner with local sponsors for each tournament to provide our winners with cash or prizes.

    Prizes are based on 16 entries.

    1st Place Prize



    High 2 Game Winner -

    2nd Place Prize



    2 Game Winner -

    3rd Place Prize



    2 Game Winner -

    4th -
    2 Game Winner -
    5th -
    High 1 Gamer Winner -
    Card Draw for Non-Prize Winners
    Just last year, several new members learned, competed or simply enjoyed playing the game of lawn bowling at the Preston Club
    “Up and coming lawn bowling club. Great membership, friendly and social atmosphere.  Lots to offer and such a great sport!  Give it a try!”
    - Darryl Fitzgerald


    1. Tournament will consist of 2 games.

    a. Each game will be 12 ends. (Weather delays or cancellations will be at the discretion of the convener.)

    2. Each bowler will bowl 4 bowls

    3. WWB rules will apply with the following exceptions:

    a. Opposing bowls frozen or equidistant from the jack will count as an end played. Zero points to each team. The end will count as played.

    b. The respot rule will be in effect.

    c. If tied at the end of the game an extra end will be played. The winner of the end will be declared the winner of the game, but do not add the score for that end unto your total. A coin toss will be used to determine who chooses to start the end.

    d. The jack will not be delivered but will be set by the controlling team for each end.

    e. The maximum score for a game shall be 18 points. Any scores above that will be used to break ties.

    f. In odd ends the order of play will be L,L,S,S,S,S,L,L and even ends it will be S,S,L,L,L,L,S,S. (Extra end may be played in either order as chosen by each team.)

    g. Visits to the head are only permitted for the teams last 3 bowls in each end.

    Tournament Rules


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    Aussie Open Pairs 2025

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    Did you know?
    The stereotype in Canada is that lawn bowling is a game for the elderly.

    At PLBC, we have youth memberships to foster a lifelong love of the game and bring families together.

    “ One of the greatest little clubs you'll ever visit. Give it a try !!”

    ~ Chris Stadnyk - President of Heritage Greens LBC